About Me

My Bio
Jennelle Ramdeen (she/they) is a Black queer healing justice practitioner from New Jersey, unceded Lenape land, and born of Trinidadian parents. They are also the founder of Lavender Veil where they consult and coach to steward healing justice models as the foundation for liberation and systemic change.
Over the years, Jennelle has studied and created spaces for politicized healing, combined with their reiki practice, to transform relationships to accountability and harm, starting while they were community organizing with the New York City chapter of Black Youth Project 100 (BYP100) as a member and healing and safety committee co-chair, followed by their work with the NYC POC Healing Circle. Since then, they have held a range of roles in the field of healing justice from research to trauma stewardship.
With 6+ years in the youth work world, most recently Jennelle is transitioning out of leading the Youth Action Institute (formerly Youth Justice Board), a youth policy research and advocacy fellowship. Jennelle’s approach to co-creating spaces to reimagine ways of being, while practicing joy, has made the work their young people do vibrate throughout youth and activist communities, as well as NYC policy change. In their Black queer feminist praxis, these social justice education spaces are also honored as sacred ground for healing —as youth start to name themselves and the world around them.
Introduction to My Journey & Process
I came to this work through the love I experienced in community and the ways it illuminated what I needed to unlearn to truly hold myself and others.
This video is a compilation of my videos and journal entries during this journey accompanied by my medicine drum.
My work is emergent and the projects I work on will be heart-centered and intuitively guided, while still grounded in the rigor of my politic and consistent learning